Communicating Health and Wellbeing Information throughout Ireland

INFORM is Ireland’s health and wellbeing communications company. We can help you communicate your message to patients and healthcare professionals in waiting rooms in over 950 GP practices, healthcare centres and hospitals nationwide. INFORM also helps healthcare professionals provide information to educate and encourage people to live healthy lives.

Our Healthcare Waiting Room Network and Reach in Numbers

INFORM is Ireland’s largest communications company of its kind with brochure displays in 950 Waiting Rooms. We reach into a nationwide network of doctor practices, healthcare centres and hospitals to provide health and wellbeing information to consumers, patients and healthcare professionals. INFORM offers clients a wide range of ways to communicate, and a reach that’s unmatched. There are over 16 million patient visits annually. Reach them through Ireland’s only health information Waiting Room Network.

patient visits per annum
wating rooms
healthcare professionals

We have built great relationships with both Clients and Healthcare Professionals

INFORM work closely with Patient Support Groups, Charities, Pharmaceutical Companies, Public Bodies and other Healthcare Organisations to help improve health education. Organisations we work with include:

Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Asthma Society of Ireland
Bayer Ltd.
Citizens Information
Comreg Logo
Grünenthal Pharma Ltd. Ireland
Ireland’s Health Service
Irish Cancer Society
Office of the Revenue Commissioners
Pfizer Ireland

INFORM is affiliated with IDS Media – the global healthcare marketing service provider.

INFORM Ireland is affiliated with IDS Media – the global healthcare marketing service provider. IDS Media has been the worldwide experts in the waiting room environment since 1988. Operating in 13 countries, IDS is the leading provider of direct-to-consumer information programs in waiting rooms. Worldwide, IDS has 90,000 media in the form of Digital Screens, Poster and Brochure Displays at the point of care impacting over 900 million patient visits per year.

We welcome enquiries