Join the INFORM Waiting Room Network – Free of Charge
The INFORM health brochure and poster display service installed, at no cost to you, will enable you to provide relevant information to your patients on a wide range of health and wellbeing topics.
What are the benefits to you?
- Health and Wellbeing information, from reputable healthcare organisations, are supplied to you and managed free of charge.
- A high quality and attractive wall display unit will neatly present the brochures in your waiting area.
- It means an end to obsolete information and clutter in your waiting room.
- Saves you time in searching for information brochures for your patients from multiple healthcare organisations.
- Helps facilitate you in your counselling role.
- Aids communication between you and your patient.
- Communicates to your patients your commitment to their education and wellbeing.

How does the INFORM information service work?
INFORM operates a system of information display racks in over 950 waiting rooms throughout Ireland. Brochures of interest to patients are placed on display in these racks in a systemised way.
A member of the INFORM team will visit your surgery periodically to put new brochures on display, replenish existing stocks, and will ensure that the display rack is tidy and well presented.
What brochures will be on display?
The brochures and posters placed by INFORM are supplied by public bodies, charities, patient support groups, the HSE, and other reputable healthcare organisations.
If, at any time, there is a brochure you would prefer not to display in your waiting area, your request will be accommodated.
What style is the brochure display rack?
The display rack is high quality, wall-mounted, and slim fitting. We use the award-winning durable Perspex exandastand™ brochure display system for all our racks. The rack is designed so that brochures have full height support and will not flop over, so they present neatly and clearly visible.
The display offers a professional image and is designed to enhance the look of any waiting room.
Interested in the brochure and poster display service for your waiting room?
Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss. You can phone us on 061 338 580 or email
[email protected]
Download our 8-Page Information Brochure
If you are interested in joining Ireland’s Health Information Network, and want more information about our services, you can download our 8-page PDF presentation here.